Member Information and Calendar

  • IWCB Member Information 2024 (Google doc)
    Contact details, rehearsals and apologies, membership fees, and concert dress code.
  • All playing members must be signed up to the members’ mailing list. Click here to sign up.
    If you have signed up but aren’t getting member emails, please check your spam folder!
  • Events page






Term 4 Concert: JOY!

Date: Saturday 7th December
Venue: Leichhardt Town Hall (Google maps)
Time: Arrive at 1.45pm for a 2.15pm rehearsal, 4.00pm performance
Dress: Smart black. To add a splash of joyful colour please wear a yellow, orange, red or pink accessory (eg. tie, ribbon, scarf).

Please bring your music stand.

Repertoire: Check out the YouTube playlist. Concert order to follow.
Event page:
Ticket link:
Facebook Event: here


End of Year Rehearsal

Date: Tuesday 10th December

This will be our final rehearsal for the year. Enjoy reading through some new and old tunes before the break.

End of Year Dinner

Date: Tuesday 17th December, 7pm
Venue: Public House Petersham

Join us to celebrate the end of the year.

Feel free to bring along a partner, guest or family members.
Everyone is to order/buy their own food/drinks on the night (Menu).

Stay connected